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National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


  • College Features

  • Publish Date:2024-04-11
Expanding the Semiconductor Talent Pool: TSMC's NT$100 Million Endowment Assists in Establishing the “Department of Semiconductor Engineering”; Inaugural Enrollment Overflows
The preparatory office of the Department of Semiconductor Engineering at NYCU was officially established on August 10, 2023, and a plaque unveiling ceremony was held, marking the commencement of a new milestone in nurturing semiconductor talent.
The preparatory office of the Department of Semiconductor Engineering at NYCU was officially established on August 10, 2023, and a plaque unveiling ceremony was held, marking the commencement of a new milestone in nurturing semiconductor talent.

Translated by Chance Lai
Countries worldwide are actively promoting the development of the semiconductor industry, signaling that talent in the semiconductor field will become the most sought-after human resource in the market in the future! In response to this trend, TSMC has invested nearly one hundred million New Taiwan Dollars to support the establishment of the "Department of Semiconductor Engineering" at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University's (NYCU) College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). This year marks the inaugural enrollment for the department, with the number of applicants being ten times the number of admissions.

Forging the Path to the "Post-Silicon Era": Committed to Cultivating Cross-Border, Cross-Disciplinary Talent

Li-Chun Wang, Dean of the College of ECE, stated that the college is committed to cultivating professional talent across disciplines and borders, emphasizing the development of the "post-silicon era" and strategically positioning itself globally. He emphasized that every advancement in the semiconductor industry today relies on highly skilled professionals working together as a team. With TSMC expanding new wafer fabs in the United States, Japan, Germany, and other countries to meet the growing demand for diversified applications, nurturing internationally-oriented semiconductor talent has become an urgent priority.

Ming-Dou Ker, Director of the Department of Semiconductor Engineering, revealed that the inaugural enrollment is divided into the "Solid-state Electronics Group" and the "Nanoscience Group." There were 261 applicants for the Solid-state Electronics Group, with an expected admission of 25 students, while the Nanoscience Group received 186 applicants, with an anticipated admission of 17 students. The admission rates for both groups are below ten percent.

Director Ming-Dou Ker pointed out that semiconductors have always driven global technological development, especially with Taiwan's leading position in global semiconductor production value. The Department of Semiconductor Engineering will fully leverage the strengths of NYCU in semiconductor manufacturing, nanotechnology, component structure, and chip design fields to enhance talent cultivation and meet industry demands comprehensively.

The technical core of the Solid-state Electronics Group includes IC processes, quantum physics, device development, and chip design, emphasizing theoretical foundations and the cultivation of practical skills. Meanwhile, the Nanoscience Group focuses on nurturing students with interdisciplinary learning capabilities, covering nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomaterials, and nanobiotechnology to cultivate outstanding talents across disciplines.

Dean Li-Chun Wang revealed that the establishment of the "Department of Semiconductor Engineering" of NYCU has received nearly NT$100 million in funding from TSMC. This funding will help provide diversified teaching resources, recruit excellent faculty, promote industry-academic collaboration, and accelerate talent cultivation for the semiconductor industry.

The department will launch an international student recruitment program in the future, welcoming outstanding students from Singapore, Japan, Eastern Europe, Germany, Malaysia, Vietnam, and others. It aims to foster mutual stimulation among students from different countries and arrange internships and exchange programs abroad, encouraging them to broaden their international perspectives.

"This is not only about Taiwan looking at the outside world but also about looking back at Taiwan with different international perspectives," said the department."
Students are conducting experiments in the clean room.
Students are conducting experiments in the clean room.