


  • 更新日期:112-12-18
  • 發布單位:企劃一組
修訂本校「補助教研人員出席國際會議發表學術成果作業要點」部分條文,並自即日起生效 / The amended policy for 'Subsidy for Faculty Researchers to Present at International Conferences' is effective immediately.
  • 旨揭要點業經112年9月13日本校112 學年度第 1 次行政會議通過。
  • 「補助教研人員出席國際會議發表學術成果作業要點」為鼓勵教研人員赴國外出席國際會議發表學術成果,增進本校國際學術交流及國際學術知名度而訂定,本次修正重點如下:
    1. 調整補助對象,以編制內教研人員為限,
    2. 闡明獲補助者需要配合辦理之行政流程,
    3. 考量各領域國際會議學術成果發表形式差異,調整補助範圍,以提升本要點補助效益。
  • 檢附作業要點全文、修正條文對照表。
  • Subsidy for Faculty Researchers to Present at International Conferences---the following revisions have been made to this policy:
    1. Adjustment of eligible applicants.
    2. Clarification of the administrative procedures that subsidy recipients must adhere to.
    3. Taking into account the variations in the forms of academic achievements presentation at international conferences across different fields, adjustments have been made to the scope of subsidies to enhance the overall effectiveness of this policy.
  • Please find attached the full text of the policy and a comparative table of the revisions.
  • 聯絡人: [ 陳韻雯 66169]