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NYCU Office of Student Affairs

Labor and Laboratory Workers Physical Examination

  • Update Date:2023-09-26
  • Units:Office of Student Affairs
According to Article 20 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act for currently employed laborers, the following health examinations shall be conducted: General health examinations, special health examinations for those involved in tasks with special health hazards, and health examinations of specific items for specific targets workers as designated by the central competent authority.

Yang Ming Campus   
  1. Date & Time:  
  2. Location: 
Chiao Tung Campus
  1. Date & Time:  
  2. Location: 1F, Da Li Auditorium
  1. In order to avoid any influences on the examination results, you should fast for at least 6-8 hours prior to taking the exams except water and do not engage in heavy exercise on the day before the examination.
  2. If you are on prescribed lenses, you should bring the lenses on the day of the exam so that post-treatment eyesight can be tested.
  3. X-Ray Exam: please wear tops without buttons and metal accessories. If you are pregnant, please inform the staff in advance.
  4. Urine Test: please collect the urine sample from the mid-period urination. Please inform the staff in advance if you are on menstrual period.
  5. If you have any questions concerning the health exam(Yang Ming Campus Tel:02-28267000#62952;Chiao Tung Campus Tel:03-5712121#51102)