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NYCU Office of Student Affairs


  • Student Assistances

  • Update Date:2023-05-31
  • Units:The 2nd Division of Student Assistance
Soft Copy of Conduct Grades, Rewards and Punishment Records are available online!
Whether it is to apply for a job, for a hospital internship, or for a scholarship, you may need student rewards, punishment records and conduct grades on hand. Now you could download the soft copy online by just logining to NYCU Portal and doing the following steps below:

For students study on Yaming campus: Click on Yaming Campus>Life on Campus>Student Affair System>Student Activity Record
For students study on Chiaotung Campus:Click on Chiaotung Campus>Holistic Person System>Student Conduct Grades Record

Please print a color copy, or if you print it black, please have it stamped by Division of Student Assistance at Poya center.   
For more information, please contact Division of Student Assistance or International Student Office.  