Subsidies and Awards
- Update Date:2023-12-20
- Units:The 1st Division of Strategic Planning
NYCU- In order to encourage its full-time faculty and research fellows (hereinafter faculty and research fellows) to actively engage in research in order to enhance the international reputation and visibility of the University
- These Guidelines serve as a measure of the contribution of research results. The indicators of research contribution include scholarly monographs, monograph chapters, keynote speaker at international conferences, editorship of major international journals, international journal papers, international conference papers, highly cited researchers, principal investigator (PI) of research projects, principal investigator of international research partnership projects or Ministry of Education University Social Responsibility (USR) projects, and patents. Reward points are calculated on a cumulative basis for each indicator of the research results published in the name of the University as the academic institution to which they belong.
- Regarding the review of the University's international research results, the Office of Research and Development submits eligible candidates to the R&D standing committee meeting for vetting and determination of the reward points based on the individual research achievements handed in by faculty and research fellows.
- Guidelines
- In order to actively encourage full-time faculty members to attend international conferences and present papers abroad, and to promote international academic exchange and international academic visibility of the University, these guidelines have been established.
- Applicable to full-time faculty and research fellows (hereinafter faculty and research fellows).
- Grant Principles and Review Mechanism
- Each person may apply for one subsidy per year, based on the principle of partial subsidy. No more than two people may attend the same conference.
- The amount of financial assistance will be subject to a separate review and approval by the R & D Standing Committee.
- Guidelines
NSTC- The National Science and Technology Counil (NSTC) encourages s cholars and experts to attend international academic conferences and present their research results.
- Eligibility for Application: Qualifications of scholars and experts attending international academic conferences (hereafter referred to as attendees shall be current teaching and research staff in the applicant institution o r post doctoral research fellows participating in NSTC research projects
- Applicaiton procedure:
- Attendees need to log on to the "Academic Research Service Portal" (on the home page of the NSTC website).
- Attendees have to prepare the following documents online and send them to the applicant institution for confirmation. The applicant institution will review their qualifications and documents, and then submit them to NSTC.
- The application form.
- Acceptance letter. If the aceptance let ter cannot be provided along with the application, attendees shall indicate the acceptance letter will be submitted and shall be sent to the NSTC no lat er thans 3 weeks prior to the date of the conference.
- Abstract for conference paper ( papers are limi ted to which have not been published in journals or other international conferences).
- Other useful documents for review (such as the full text of the paper).
- The submission date of the application institution shall be no later than six weeks before the date of the international academic conference. Whenever the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, national holiday or any other statutory holiday, the deadline will become the next working day. A ppli cation will not be accepted after the deadline.
- Grant Principles and Review Mechanism
- NSTC conducts review based on three criteria : the status and importance of the conference , the conditions of the attendees and the benefits to the development of science and technology in Taiwan. If necessary, the discipline coordinator may be consulted.
- Reference
External Subsudues and Awards other than NSTC- In order to provide incentives for cademic development, enhance teaching and research standards, and encourage universities to develop their own individual strengths, the Ministry of Education(hereunder “the Ministry”)has established the National Chair Professorships, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the University Act, and has formulated these Regulations.
- Each National Chair Professorship shall be awarded to a full-time university professor who is aged seventy years or less on the date set as the deadline for universities to submit recommendations, and who when recommended or selected, is still actively engaged in ongoing academic research and teaching; held in high esteem; playing a leading role in shaping the direction of academic thought; and an exemplary role model in the academic community. In addition, the person shall satisfy one of the following requirements:
- Be an academician of Academia Sinica;
- Have received a Ministry of Education Academic Award at least three years earlier. or
- Have some outstanding achievement equivalent to being an Academia Sinica academician or to receiving a Ministry of Education Academic Award, in an academic or professional field in Taiwan or in another country.
- Guidelines
- The Ministry of Education(hereunder the “Ministry”)has established the Academic Awards in order to encourage academic research and enhance academic standards
- The Academic Awards shall be conferred on persons who have actively engaged in academic research in Taiwan, and have made important contributions or achieved outstanding accomplishments, and whose work is recognized by the academic community. A candidate who does not hold Republic of China nationality shall have been employed in a full-time position in Taiwan at a junior college, tertiary level educational institution, or an academic research institute for at least five years.
- Guidelines