Revision Date:2024-11-29
Update Date:2024-11-29
Units:Instrumentation Resource Center
[Common Instrument] YM Campus Instrument Fees Regulations
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Instrumentation Resource Center Yang Ming Campus Instrument Fees Regulations
Approved by the Instrumentation Resource Center Users’ Committee Meeting on November 29, 2024.
I. Flow Cytometry Fees: Charges are calculated on a half-hourly basis.
A. Sorter: SRT
1. Commissioned service
User Startup Fee Operation Fee
NYCU faculty and students NT$ 1,000 NT$ 800/hour
Educational Cooperation Organizations NT$ 1,500 NT$ 1,200/hour
Other external organizations NT$ 2,000 NT$ 1,600/hour
2. Self-operating [Users require to be certified by the administrator before use.]
User Startup Fee Operation Fee
Only for NYCU faculty and students Free NT$ 600/hour
B. Sorter: FACSMelody
1. Commissioned service
User Startup Fee Operation Fee
NYCU faculty and students NT$ 1,000 NT$ 800/hour
Educational Cooperation Organizations NT$ 1,500 NT$ 1,200/hour
Other external organizations NT$ 2,000 NT$ 1,600/hour
2. Self-operating [Users require to be certified by the administrator before use.]
User Startup Fee Operation Fee
Only for NYCU faculty and students Free NT$ 600/hour
C. Analyzer:
1. FACSCalibur
NYCU faculty and students Non-NYCU Users
NT$ 420/hour NT$ 840/hour
2. CytoFLEX
NYCU faculty and students Non-NYCU Users
NT$ 280/hour NT$ 560/hour
II. Imaging Core Microscope Fees: Charges are calculated on a half-hourly basis.
Model NYCU faculty and students1 Educational Cooperation Organizations2 Other external organizations
Confocal Microscope Olympus FV1000 NT$ 500/hour NT$ 750/hour NT$ 1,000/hour
Olympus Fv10i NT$ 300/hour NT$ 450/hour NT$ 600/hour
Zeiss LSM900
(Zeiss LSM700+) NT$ 600/hour NT$ 900/hour NT$ 1,200/hour
Zeiss LSM7MP NT$ 1,000/hour NT$ 1,500/hour NT$ 2,000/hour
Zeiss LSM880
with Airyscan (Day) NT$ 900/hour NT$ 1,350/hour NT$ 1,800/hour
(Night) NT$ 500/hour
Zeiss LSM900
with Airyscan 2 (Day) NT$ 800/hour NT$ 1,200/hour NT$ 1,600/hour
(Night) NT$ 600/hour
Fluorescent Microscope Olympus BX61
Olympus BX63
Leica DM6000B Free NT$ 50/hour NT$ 100/hour
Olympus IX83 NT$ 100/hour NT$ 150/hour NT$ 200/hour
Zeiss LSM880 NT$ 300/hour NT$ 450/hour NT$ 600/hour
Zeiss LSM900
Zeiss Axioscan 7 NT$ 300/hour NT$ 450/hour NT$ 600/hour
Advanced Microscope Zeiss Elyra 7 NT$ 1,300/hour NT$ 1,950/hour NT$ 2,600/hour
III. Electron Microscope Fees:
For electronic microscopes and related equipment, respective users shall cover maintenance and material consumption. The fees are as follows.
A. TEM (JEOL JEM-1400plus) Operation Fee: NT$ 1,050/hour; (NT$ 2,100/hour for non-NYCU users.)
B. TEM (JEOL JEM-1400plus) with EDS Operation Fee: NT$ 1,250/hour; (NT$ 2,500/hour for non-NYCU users.)
C. 3D Tomography Fee: NT$ 1,050/hour; (NT$ 2,100/hour for non-NYCU users). No fee for image reconstruction analysis, while the fee may be determined depending on the usage through the committee meeting.
D. SEM (JEOL JSM-7600F) Operation Fee: NT$ 600/hour; (NT$1,200/hour for non-NYCU users.)
E. The operation time of less than an hour will be charged as one hour. If the user does not cancel the reservation in advance or fails to present on the scheduled day, the user shall pay the fee for the first hour of the operation.
F. Ultra-thin section for TEM Specimens: NT$ 3,000 per specimen for NYCU Faculty Research Programs. (4 copper grids per specimen, staining is not included.)
G. Using ultra-thin microtome: Please prepare your own glass strips for making glass cutters, or it is NT$ 360 per glass strip.
H. Critical Point Drying Operation Fee: NT$ 100 per session (100% alcohol is required, excluding conductive liquid silver fee.)
I. SEM specimen with gold plating: NT$ 580 per session (excluding conductive liquid silver fee.)
J. SEM specimen with platinum plating: NT$ 530 per session (excluding conductive liquid silver fee.)
K. Conductive liquid silver fee: NT$10 for each specimen on the carrier.
L. SEM specimen carrier: 25 mm/NT$ 120 each, 12 mm/NT$ 60 each, 10 mm/NT$ 40 each.
IV. Magnetic resonance imaging core facilities (MRI) Operation Fees:
User Unit For peak hours
(technician/self-operated*) For off-peak hours
NYCU NT$ 4,000/$3,500* NT$ 3,500/3,000*
NYCU Teaching Hospital and University System of Taiwan NT$ 4,500 NT$ 4,000
Non-NYCU academic organizations and public hospitals NT$ 5,000 NT$ 4,500
Non-NYCU Business Unit NT$ 6,000 NT$ 6,000
Peak hours: Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Off-peak hours: In addition to peak hours, the time slots will be open for use depending on instrument usage and operator status.
V. 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Instrument Fees:
User Rush hour
(by technician / Self-operated) Off-peak time
(by technician / Self-operated)
NYCU NT$ 200/half hour NT$ 200/hour
1. Rush hours: Monday to Friday, from 09:00 am to 10:00 pm. The usage time is calculated in half-hour units, and used less than half-hour will be charged as half-hour.
2. Off-peak time: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 pm to 08:00 am of the next day and all day on weekends.; The usage time is calculated in 1-hour units, and used less than 1-hour will be charged as 1-hour.
3. If the user cannot use it for any reason and does not cancel the reservation a day before, the user shall pay the fee for the whole reserved session.
Commissioned Services 1D proton spectrum 1D carbon spectrum
and other experiments
Non-NYCU NT$ 350/half hour/sample NT$ 650/hour/sample
VI. Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Fee:
The instrument adopts a single tube charge, NT$ 50 for each tube.
VII. Raman Spectrometer Operation Fees:
User Status Companies and non-NYCU students NYCU
Fees NT$ 1,500/hour NT$ 400/hour
Note: The operation fee is NT$ 200 per hour for those who are certified to operate the Raman Spectrometer on their own.
VIII. Mass Spectrometer Facilities Fees:
A. Metabolomics analysis
Category Service/Model Used NYCU faculty and students Educational cooperation organizations Other external
Technician operation Pre-processing of Metabolite samples NT$ 500
/pc NT$ 750
/pc NT$ 1,000
All models and analysis modes will be charged at the same rate. NT$ 3,000
/pc NT$ 4,500
/pc NT$ 6,000
Startup Fee (for CE-QToF) NT$ 2,000 NT$ 3,000 NT$ 4,000
Metabolite Analysis Report NT$ 500 per copy NT$ 750 per copy NT$ 1,000 per copy
Self-operated Mass Spectrometer Standard Samples NT$ 500 /pc NT$ 750 /pc NT$ 1,000 /pc
/hour NT$ 1,500
/hour NT$ 2,000
CE-QToF (SCIEX CESI8000 + Waters QTOF G2-XS)
LC-MS (WATERS ACQUITY UPLC + XEVO TQD) NT$ 800/hour NT$ 1,200 /hour NT$ 1,600 /hour
GC-MS (Agilent GC QqQ)
CE alone NT$ 500/hour NT$ 750/hour NT$ 1,000
1. We have a standardized pre-processing treatment. If applicants require specific pre-processing steps, the fee shall be discussed separately in advance.
2. The technician operating fee is charged based on the number of samples. All models and analysis modes are charged at the same rate. Each sample will be analyzed in triplicate. The sample loading schedule will be arranged according to the order of sample collection at the center.
3. Self-operation is charged on an hourly basis. The operation time of less than an hour will charge as one hour. The operation time includes the time for system preparation, instrument setup, sample analysis, washing between samples, and cleaning the system after analysis. (Users require certification.)
B. Proteomics analysis: technician operation only
Category Service items NYCU faculty and students Educational cooperation organizations Other external
Technician operation Protein sample pre-processing NT$ 600/pc NT$ 900/pc NT$ 1,200 /pc
Protein identification report NT$ 1,200 per copy NT$ 1,800 per copy NT$ 2,400
per copy
Protein post-translation
modification identification report NT$ 20,000 per copy NT$ 30,000 per copy NT$ 40,000 per copy
C. Discount Plan
To promote the utilization of the mass spectrometers, a rebate will be offered if the usage amount of the mass spectrometer facility-related services reaches a certain threshold as shown in the table below.
The usage amount of the current year will be counted in December each year and cannot be accumulated across years. The rebate will be credited against the usage fee. It is limited to the services provided by the mass spectrometer facility. The rebate is valid for an unlimited period; however, it shall not be transferred, cash discounted, or redistributed to other users.
Accumulated usage amount (NT$) Rebate amount (NT$)
150,000 15,000
300,000 60,000
600,000 150,000
1,000,000 300,000
IX. Linear-Torsion All-Electric Dynamic Test Instrument Fees:
A. ElectroPuls™ E10000
NYCU faculty and students Educational cooperation organizations
(including academic units) Other external
Machine usage fee NT$ 2,000/day
NT$ 250/hour NT$ 4,000/day
NT$ 500/hour NT$ 8,000/day
NT$ 1,000/hour
Consultation fee
(first-time usage) NT$ 2,000/time NT$ 2,500/time NT$ 3,000/time
Fixture Rental NT$ 5,000/time NT$ 5,000/time NT$ 5,000/time
New fixture design and manufacturing fees Additional fee by case Additional fee by case Additional fee by case
B. ElectroPuls™ E3000
NYCU faculty and students Other external
Machine usage fee NT$ 8,000/day
NT$ 800/hour NT$ 16,000/day
NT$ 1,600/hour
Consultation fee
(first-time usage) NT$ 2,000/time NT$ 2,000/time
Fixture Rental NT$ 5,000/time NT$ 5,000/time
New fixture design and manufacturing fees Additional fee by case Additional fee by case
X. Cabinet X-ray Irradiator
NYCU Faculty and Students Cooperative Educational Units
(Including Academic Units) Other Non-NYCU Units
Machine Usage Fee NT$100 /15 minutes NT$150 /15 minutes NT$200 /15 minutes
Operator's Fee NT$200 /hour NT$200 /hour NT$200 /hour
Mouse Fixator and Lead Shield Rental NT$50 /set
Return on the Same Day NT$50 /set
Return on the Same Day NT$100 /set
Return on the Same Day
Usage Hours Calculation
1. Machine usage fee: If the usage is less than 15 minutes, it will be counted as 15 minutes.
2. Operator's fee: Usage of less than 1 hour will be counted as 1 hour.
3. If you want to use the machine on a Saturday, Sunday, or national holiday, and the operator is not qualified to operate the machine, the operator fee will be charged. As it is necessary to assign staff to monitor and assist in the operation of the equipment, an additional overtime charge of $1,000/day will be added, and the flexible rate can be discussed during the consultation.
XI. Dry Ice Fee:
A. NT$ 30 per pound.
B. IRC shall charge the usage fee every two months. The payment notice will be mailed to each user in the first half of every odd month.
C. A 5% additional late payment fee will be charged for every 5 days of overdue payment. (You must first contact the IRC office to verify the amount of the late payment and then go to the Cashier's Office for payment.
D. If the payment is more than three times overdue, IRC will no longer supply dry ice to the lab.
XII. List of Common Instruments Fees (Currency: NT$.)
# Instrument Brand/Model NYCU faculty and students1
Educational Cooperation Organizations2 Other external organizations Description
1 Ultracentrifuge Beckman 0 200 400 Within 6 hours each time
2 Tabletop Ultracentrifuge Beckman 0 150 300 Within 6 hours each time
3 High-Speed Centrifuge Beckman 0 50 100 Within 1 hour each time
4 High Performance Vacuum Centrifuge
(SpeedVac) Thermo 0 50 100 Within 4 hours each time
5 Freeze Dryer VIRTIS
CryoDry 0 100 200 Within 3 days each time
6 ELISA Reader Tecan 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
7 Multimode microplate reader
Thermo 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
8 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Beckman
Biochrom 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
9 NanoDrop Spectrophotometer Thermo 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
10 Image Scanning Densitometer GE
Microtek 0 100 200 Within 1 hour each time
11 Luminescence/Fluorescence Imaging System Fuji
eBLOT 0 100 200 Within 1 hour each time
12 Continuous High Pressure Cell Disrupter Constant 0 50 100 Within 1 hour each time
13 Bead Beating Grinder and Lysis
System MP Biomedicals 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
14 Cryostat Microtome Leica
espredia (Thermo) 0 200 400 Within 4 hours each time
15 Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Fuji 0 50 100 Within half an hour each time
16 Seahorse XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer Seahorse 250 375 500 Within 4 hours each time
17 Real-Time PCR ThermoFisher
BIO-RAD 0 150 300 Within 4 hours each time
18 X-Ray Film Processor Kodak 0 10 20 Per film
19 Lab-grade Water System Millipore
Elga 0 15 30 per liter
20 Reagent-grade Water System Millipore
Elga 0 20 40 per liter
1. Users with the following qualifications shall be charged the same fee as “NYCU faculties and students.”
(1) Branch campuses (2) Joint appointment faculty (3) National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital (4) Collaboration with NYCU and the project/grant is under the control of NYCU
2. Users with the following qualifications shall be charged the same fee as “Educational Cooperation Organizations.”
(1) Adjunct faculty (2) Teaching hospitals (Veterans General Hospital, Taipei City Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, etc.) (3) University System of Taiwan (4) Companies at the Center for Industry-Academia Collaboration, NYCU.