


走在合校展現新局的道路上 Walking on the path of merger to unveil a new chapter
Greetings to all the faculty, students, and colleagues of Yang Ming Chiao Tung University! (NYCU)

To commence, Chi-Hung and the administrative team extend a heartfelt welcome to all new students and faculty members who are joining the NYCU family this academic year. Your arrival represents the passing of the torch and the recognition of a sustainable campus, and it serves as a continuous source of motivation for our school’s ongoing improvement and talent cultivation for the nation. We’re all prepared and eagerly anticipate your vibrant involvement and valuable guidance across a spectrum of campus experiences, spanning over classrooms, laboratories, dorms, sports fields, arts and culture, global engagements, and many exciting campus events.

A year ago, the School of Pharmacy located in Taipei campus boldly initiated a ‘cross-disciplinary learning’ program for its freshman students in Hsinchu campus. Students spoke highly about the academic atmosphere, local cuisine, and thoroughly enjoying the Hsinchu city’s unique essence! This year, the freshman students of the School of Dentistry and next year’s Nursing students are all set to embark on their own cross-disciplinary learning journey in Hsinchu. We extend our warmest wishes to them as they explore the captivating realm of studies across Taipei and Hsinchu.

Through NYCU’s distinctive cross-disciplinary/remote learning opportunities, students gain a deeper insight into living and learning experiences of different environment and culture. They forge new friendships, enrich their experiences, broaden their horizons, and craft enduring memories. This is an extraordinary experience during their university years, destined to become cherished recollections in the years to come.

Since the merger began, we have encountered numerous challenges, including intricate regulations, protracted administrative procedures, bilateral communication hurdles, and differing mindset and perspectives. Nevertheless, it’s a well-established fact that change can bring about opportunities for breakthroughs, thus expanding our influence, impact and reach. In fact, each of us, including myself, should take a moment to observe and reflect on the transformations occurring at NYCU in recent days.

We cannot disregard the expenses of implementing these changes, nor can we overlook the geographical and temporal barriers between Taipei, Hsinchu, Yilan and Tainan. The preparation and allocation of time, space, funding, and resources pose challenges and responsibilities to our administrative team. I traverse between Taipei and Hsinchu each week, broadening my original expertise in medicine to encompass an interdisciplinary understanding of electrical engineering and semiconductor technology. It’s not solely the freshman students who partake in cross-disciplinary learning; even I continually engage in cross-disciplinary and mobile learning daily. These subtle transformations occurring within me, I believe, will also manifest among our faculty, students, and colleagues at NYCU.

The merger has brought new opportunities for interdisciplinary integration. This is particularly important given the shifting geopolitical landscape and the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, which provides NYCU with excellent opportunities. Talent, technology, and cost are undoubtedly important for the technology industry, but winning in global competition also requires a deep understanding of international politics and global economic and trade decisions. Working diligently in a clean room alone cannot appreciate the impact of these external factors.

  陽明交大是台灣最早倡議工程醫學(Engineering Medicine) 的大學,這些年生物醫學受到數理工程、人工智慧的衝擊,絲毫不亞於當年DNA解碼及桃莉羊的出現。這些世界變化的趨勢都讓我對合校初衷與前驅者的遠見更有信心。就像AMD董事長暨執行長蘇姿丰博士在陽明交大名譽博士頒授典禮上所說,她透過陽明交大合校,深刻體認跨領域解決世界重要課題的價值。
NYCU stood as an early advocate for Engineering Medicine in Taiwan. In recent years, the realm of biomedical sciences has undergone a profound transformation, with mathematics, engineering, and artificial intelligence exerting an impact akin to the significance of discoveries like DNA decoding and the creation of Dolly the sheep in their respective eras. These global trends bolster our confidence in our original intent and vision for the merger. As Dr. Lisa Su, Chairman and CEO of AMD, articulated during her honorary doctorate ceremony at NYCU, our collaboration in the merger underscores the immense value of interdisciplinary solutions in addressing global challenges.

  合校帶來跨領域的契機,讓我們在過去一年得以與美國香檳伊利諾大學(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)、美國普渡大學(Purdue University)、日本京都大學、CiRA基金會、日本東北大學、熊本大學等展開密切合作。無論是幹細胞、工程醫學、半導體或高齡醫學均有新的開展。這些跨領域合作將是讓陽明交大在相關項目的競爭中取得「彎道超車」的契機。
The merger has opened doors to interdisciplinary cooperation, fostering close partnerships with esteemed institutions like the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Purdue University, Kyoto University, CiRA Foundation, Tohoku University, Kumamoto University, and others over the past years. Academic advancements have emerged across various domains, including stem cells, engineering medicine, semiconductors, and geriatric medicine, to name a few. These interdisciplinary alliances empower us to excel and to gain a competitive edge by embracing “overtaking on the curve” in related fields.

After the merger, we have also been contemplating the integration of humanities and technology. We hope to shape a ‘human-centered high-tech ecosystem’ through our existing three academic clusters: humanities and arts, sciences and engineering, and health and medicine. Our recent initiatives in sustainable development (SDGs) and generative AI (ChatGPT) are the first steps in cultivating humanistic literacy. In this ecosystem, humans are the central figures, and it is only through a high-tech ecosystem shaped by values such as human dignity, creativity, empathy, and ethics that we can make positive contribution to the society.

The demands for talent today have undergone significant transformation since my youth years. Back then, knowledge acquisition heavily leaned on textbooks, and education aimed at nurturing specialists who excelled in their fields. In today’s landscape, however, information is easily accessible, knowledge can be quickly learned, so that emphasis of education is now placed on cultivating interdisciplinary skills, empowering individuals to bridge the gaps between diverse knowledge domains. The boundaries separating professions are poised to blur further, with overlap becoming the norm, and it is within these intersections that human knowledge will shine most brilliantly.

As we approach the dawn of a new semester, marking the commencement of the third year since the merger, I am confident that our esteemed faculty, students, and colleagues will persist in their collaborative efforts. Together, we shall transform challenges into strengths and uphold virtuous values for the future. I firmly believe that the far-reaching impact of NYCU, resulting from the synergistic effects of the merger, will continue to expand, and through interdisciplinary thinking and cooperation, faculty and students will create a novel vision for higher education.
校長 林奇宏
President Lin, Chi-hung
September 6, 2023