Dr. Chen-Yi Lee
- Update Date:2023-10-26
Vice President

- Vice President Chen-Yi Lee
- Current Position
Senior Vice President, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)
Professor, Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)
Adjunct Researcher, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Member, Science & Technology Policy Advisory Office, BOST, Executive Yuan
Board Member, MediaTek Education Foundation
- Contact
Phone:03-5712121 ext. 50067
Email:cylee@nycu.edu.tw, cylee@nctu.edu.tw
- Staff
Associate Coordinator: Ms. Tu
Phone: 03-5712121 ext. 50062
- Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (1978-1982)
- MS/Ph.D. of Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium (1986/1990)
- Member of S&T Patent Review Board, National Science Council (1996-1998)
- Director of Chip Implementation Center (CIC), National Science Council (2000/8-2003/7)
- Coordinator of Micro-electronics Programs, National Science Council (2003/1-2005/12)
- Chairman of Electronics Engineering Department, National Chiao Tung University (2003/8-2006/7)
- Vice President of Research Affairs, National Chiao Tung University (2007/2-2011/1)
- Senior Vice President of UST, National Chiao Tung University (2010/4-2011/1)
- Co-PI of NPIE, National Science Council (2012/1-2016/12)
- Co-Founder of 4 Data-Driven Startups: Bomdic(2012)、Grain5(2014)、AiN(2016)、CyteSi(2017)
- Member of Executive Review Board, Executive Yuan (2017/5-2019/5)
- Independent Director of Padauk (2018/10-2021/3)(2018/10-2021/3)
- Member of S&T Review Board, IDB of MOEA, Taiwan (2020/1-2021/3)
- ITPC member, ISSCC (2005~2006)
- ITPC member, ASSCC (2005~2014)
- ITPC member, DATE (2006~2008)
- ITPC member, Symposium on VLSI Circuits (2011-2015)
- Distinguished Technology Licensing Award, National Science Council (2007,2008)
- University-Industry Contribution Award, Ministry of Economic Affairs (2009)
- Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council (2009)
- Distinguished Professor, Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (2010)
- Integrated Circuit Designs
- Low-Power System-on-Chips (SoC)
- Machine Learning
- Smart Sensing
- AIoT
- [1] Chia-Lung Lin, Shu-Wen Tu, Chih-Lung Chen, Hsie-Chia Chang, and Chen-Yi Lee, “An Efficient Decoder Architecture for Nonbinary LDPC Codes with Extended Min-Sum Algorithm”, IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems: Express Briefs, Vol. 63, No. 9, Sep. 2016, PP. 863-867. (IF: 2.45, RF: 126/260)
- [2] Zipeng Li, Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, Po-Hsien Yu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Miroslav Pajic, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Droplet Size-Aware High-Level Synthesis for Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic Biochips”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol. 11, Issue 3, June 2017, PP. 612-626. (Accepted on 2016/12/23, IF=3.5, RF=66/260).
- [3] Szu-Chi Chung, Chung-Yuan Yu, Sung-Shine Lee, Hsie-Chia Chang, and Chen-Yi Lee, “An Improved DPA Countermeasure Based on Uniform Distribution Random Power Generator for IoT Applications”, IEEE Trans. On CAS-I: Regular Paper, Vol.64, Issue 9, Sep. 2017, PP. 2522-2531. (IF=2.823, RF=74/260)
- [4] Zipeng Li, Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, John McCrone, Po-Hsien Yu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Miroslav Pajic, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Efficient and Adaptive Error Recovery in a Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic BioChip”, IEEE Trans. On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 37, Issue 3, March 2018, PP. 601-614. (Accepted on 2017/5/31, IF=2.089, RF=155/260).
- [5] Chang-Hong Tsai, Wan-Ju Yu, Wing H. Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “A 41.3pJ/26.7pJ per Neuron Weight RBM Processor Supporting On-Chip Learning/Inference for IoT Applications”, IEEE Trans. On JSSC, Vol. 52, Issue 10, Oct. 2017, PP. 2601-2612. (Accepted on 2017/6/6, IF=4.075, RF=34/260).
- [6] Zipeng Li, Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, Po-Hsien Yu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Structural and Functional Test Methods for Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic Biochips”, IEEE Trans. On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 27, Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 968-981. (Accepted on 2017/7/24, IF= 2.089, RF=155/260).
- [7] Zipeng Li, Kelvin Yi-Tse Lai, Po-Hsien Yu, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Miroslav Pajic, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, ” Droplet Size-Aware and Error-Correcting Sample Preparation Using Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic Biochips”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol. 11, No. 6, De. 2017, PP. 1380-1391. (Revised on 2017/6/30, accepted on 2017/8/8, IF: 3.5, RF: 66/260).
- [8] Heng-Wei Hsu, Tung-Yu Wu, Sheng Wan, Wing H. Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “QuatNet: Quaternion-Based Head Pose Estimation with Multi-regression Loss”, IEEE Trans. On Multi-Media, Vol. 21, No. 4, April 2019, pp. 1035-1046. (Accepted on 2018/8/4, IF=5.452, RF=0.037)
- [9] Cheng-Hsiang Cheng, Ping-Yuan Tsai, Tzu-Yi Yang, Wan-Hsueh Cheng, Ting-Yang Yen, Zhicong Luo, Xin-Hong Qian, Zhi-Xin Chen, Tsu-Han Lin, Wei-Hong Chen, Wei-Ming Chen, Sheng-Fu Liang, Fu-Zen Shaw, Cheng-Siu Chang, Fu-Yuan Shih, Yue-Loong Hsin, Chen-Yi Lee, Ming-Dou Ker, Chung-Yu Wu, “A Fully Integrated 16-Channel Closed-Loop Neural Prosthetic CMOS SoC with Wireless Power and Bidirectional Data Telemetry for Real-Time Efficient Human Epileptic Seizure Control”, IEEE Trans. On JSSC, Vol., Issue, PP. (Accepted on 2018/8/17, IF=5.173, RF=0.125).
- [10] Lee, Mucian; Palanisamy, Sathyadevi; Zhou, Bin-Hou; Wang, Li-Yu; Chen, Chiao-Yun; Lee, Chen-Yi; Yuan, Shyng-Shiou F.; Wang, Yun-Ming, “Ultrasensitive Electrical Detection of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Using Functionalized Silicon Nanowire Transistor Chemosensor”, to appear in ACS Applied Material and Interfaces. (accepted on 2018/9/27 via email, IF=8.456, RF=0.092)
- [11] Zhanwei Zhong, Zipeng Li, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Digital Microfluidic Biochips: Technology, Design Automation, and Test Techniques” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 2019, pp. 292-313. (IF=4.252, RF=0.163)
- [12] Yung-Wey Chong, Widad Ismai, Kwangman Ko, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Energy-Harvesting for Wearable Devices: A Review”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 20, Oct. 2019, pp. 9047-9062. (Accepted on June 25, 2019, IF=3.076, RF=0.213).
- [13] Kit Hwa Cheah, Humaira Nisar, Vooi Voon Yap, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Convolutional neural networks for classification of music-listening EEG: comparing 1D convolutional kernels with 2D kernels and cerebral laterality of musical influence”, to appear in Neural Computing and Applications, July 30, 2019 (Accepted on July 19, 2019, IF=4.664, RF=0.158).
- [14] Tung-Che Liang, Yun-Sheng Chan, Tsung-Yi Ho, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Multi-Target Sample Preparation Using MEDA Biochips”, IEEE Trans. On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 39, No. 10, Oct. 2020, pp. 2682-2694. (DOIU: 10.1109/TCAD.2019.29842002. Sep. 17, 2019). (Accepted on 2019/8/30, IF= 2.402, RF=0.346).
- [15] Sheng Wan, Tung-Yu Wu, Heng-Wei Hsu, Wing H. Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Feature Consistency Training with JPEG Compressed Images”, IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 30, Issue 12, Dec. 2020, PP. 4769-4780. (Print ISSN: 1051-8215; Online ISSN: 1558-2205; DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2019.2959815; Accepted on Dec. 3, 2019 via email, IF=4.046, RF=0.204).
- [16] Chun-Chi Chen, Yun-Sheng Chan, Yu-Hao Fang, Yun-Ming Wang, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Rapid Portable Electrical Biosensing Design with Dielectrophoresis and its Applications for Cardiac Biomarker Detection”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 16, Aug. 15, 2020, pp. 8981-8989. (Accepted on April 7, 2020, via email, IF=3.076, RF=0.213).
- [17] Hsiao-Chien Yang, Po-Heng Chen, Kuan-Wen Chen, Chen-Yi Lee, Yong Sheng Chen “FADE: Feature Aggregation for Depth Estimation with Multi-View Stereo”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing. (Print ISSN: 1057-7149; Online ISSN: 1941-0042; DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2020.2991883; Accepted on April 19, 2020 via email, IF=6.790, RF=0.068).
- [18] Yu-Chieh Ko, Catherine Jui-Ling Liu, Shih-Yu Wey, Wei-Ta Chen, Yu-Fan Chang, Mei-Ju Chen, Shih-Hwa Chiou, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Deep Learning Assisted Detection of Glaucomatous Optic Neurpathy and Potential Designs for a Generalized Model”, PLOS One. Accepted on May 5, 2020 via email, IF=2.776, RF=0.348).
- [19] Shih‑Mein Chang, Sathyadevi Palanisamy, Tung‑Ho Wu, Chiao‑Yun Chen, Kai‑Hung Cheng, Chen‑Yi Lee, Shyng‑Shiou F. Yuan, and Yun‑Ming Wang, “Utilization of silicon nanowire field‑effect transistors for the detection of a cardiac biomarker, cardiac troponin I and their applications involving animal models”, www.nature.com/scientificreports, Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:22027 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78829-7.
- [20] Eugene Lee and Chen-Yi Lee, “Smart Wearable Devices with Energy-Efficient Computing for PPG-based Mobile Health-Care Applications”, IEEE Sensors Journal. (Revised on Oct. 3, 2020, accepted on 2021/3/23)
- [21] Sheng Wan, Tung-Yu Wu, Wing-Hung Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Confnet: Predict with Confidence”, ICASSP’2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15-20 April 2018.
- [22 Heng-Wei Hsu, Tung-Yu Wu, Wing Hung Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Correlation-Based Face Detection for Recognizing Faces in Videos”, ICASSP’2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15-20 April 2018.
- [23] Yi-Wei Chen, Tung-Yu Wu, Wing-Hung Wong, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, ICASSP’2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 15-20 April 2018.
- [24] Tung-Che Liang, Yun-Sheng Chan, Tsung-Yi Ho, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Sample Preparation for Multiple-Reactant Bioassays on Micro-Electrode-Dot-Array Biochips”, to appear in ASPDAC’2019.
- [25] Eu Tzuan Lee, Tsui-Rui Hsu, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Centralized State Sensing Using Sensor Array on Wearable Devices”, in Proceedings of the ISCAS’2019, Sapporo, Japan, May 26-29, 2019.
- [26] Y.S. Jang, Y.M. Wang, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Joint Capacitive Sensing and Frequency Selection for Fast Medical Tests”, in Proceedings of the ISCAS’2019, Sapporo, Japan, May 26-29, 2019.
- [27] Kit Hwa Cheah, Humaira Nisar, Vooi Voon Yap, and Chen-Yi Lee, “EEG-based Personalized Emotion Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, to appear in IEEE ICSIPA’2019.
- [28] Wei Chiang, Hsie-Chia Chang and Chen-Yi Lee, “An Area-Efficient High-Throughput SM4 Accelerator with SCA-Countermeasure for TV Applications”, to appear in ISCAS’2020, Seville, Spain, May 17-20, 2020 (Online).
- [29] Eugene Lee, Annie Ho, Yi-Ting Wang, Chen-Han Huang, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Cross-Domain Adapation for Biometric Identification Using Photoplethysmogram”, to appear in ICASSP’2020, Barcelona, Spain, May 4-8, 2020 (Online).
- [30] Eugene Lee and Chen-Yi Lee, “NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks” in CVPR’2020, Seattle, WA, USA, June 16-18, 2020 (Online).
- [31] Eugene Lee, Evan Chen, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Meta-rPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-Learner”, in ECCV’2020, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 24-27, 2020 (Online).
- [32] Tung-Che Liang, Jin Zhou, Yun-Sheng Chang, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Tsung-Yi Ho, and Chen-Yi Lee, “Parallel Droplet Control in MEDA Biochips using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning”, in ICML’2021, July 18-24, 2021(online)