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National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Dr. Chien Chou

  • Update Date:2024-01-10
Vice President / Chief Ethics Officer
Vice President / Chief Ethics Officer Chien Chou
  • Vice President / Chief Ethics Officer Chien Chou
  • Current Position
  • jobs Senior Vice President, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)
  • jobs Chief Ethics Officer, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)
  • jobs Chair Professor, Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, NYCU
  • jobs Director, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), NYCU
  • jobs Director, Office of Academic Ethics and Research Integrity (OAERI), NYCU
  • Contact
  •  Phone:(03) 5731808
  • address Address:1001 University Road, Hsinchu
  • Staff
  • assistant Administration Officer: Ms. Huang
  •  Phone: 03-5712121 ext:31804
  • Ph.D. in Education Technology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  • M.A. in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
  • B.A. in History, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2020.2 – 2020.3 | Visiting Scholar, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
  • 2016.8 – 2023.7 | Committee Chair, Research Ethics Committee for Human Subject Protection, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • 2014.3 – 2015.12 | Director General, Department of International Cooperation & Science Education, Ministry of Science and Technology (on secondment)
  • 2014.1 – 2014.3 | Director General, Department of Science Education, Ministry of Science and Technology (on secondment)
  • 2013.6 – 2014.1 | Director, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), NYCU
  • 2011.8 – 2013.7 | Chair, Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2005.8 – 2007.7 | Chair, Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, National Chiao Tung University
  • 1999.8 – 2000.7 | Professor, Institute of Communication, National Chiao Tung University
  • 2023 Academic Award, Ministry of Education
  • 2011 Merit NSC Research Fellow Award, National Science Council
  • 2008 Merit NSC Research Fellow Research Project, National Science Council
  • 2005 NSC Research Fellow Award, National Science Council
  • 1998, 2000, 2002 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council
  • 1996, 1997 Class A Researcher Award, National Science Council
  • E-Learning
  • Information Literacy and Ethics
  • Academic Ethics Education
  1. *Chou, C., Lee, I.-J., & Fudano, J. (2023, e-pub ahead of print). The present situation of and challenges in research ethics and integrity promotion: Experiences in East Asia. Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance
  2. Chou, H.-L., & *Chou, C. (2023). How teens negotiate privacy on social media proactively and reactively. New Media and Society, 25(6), 1290-1312.
  3. Chou, C. (2023). Guidelines and best practices for extending conference papers to journal articles: Issues for consideration from a research integrity perspective. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 60(2), 189-216. [in Chinese with English extended abstract]
  4. *Chou, C., Pan, S. J.-A., & Hsueh, M.-L. (2023). Assessment criteria for research misconduct: Taiwanese researchers' perceptions. Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30(8), 613-632.
  5. *Chou, C., & Lee, Y.-H. (2022). The development of a literacy-based research integrity assessment framework for graduate students in Taiwan. Science and Engineering Ethics, 28, 66.
  6. *Chou, C., & Pan, S. J.-A. (2022). Analyses of US National Science Foundation’s suspected incidents of noncompliance in research: 1989-2019. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 20(1), 69-100. [in Chinese with English extended abstract]
  7. Chou, C. (2022). Thesis by publication: Definition, regulations and issues for consideration. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 59(1), 73-96. [in Chinese with English extended abstract]
  8. *Chou, C., & Pan, S. J.-A. (2020). Self-plagiarism in academic writing: Concepts, cases, regulations, and best practices. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 18(2), 43-72. [in Chinese with English extended abstract]
  9. Hsueh, M.-L., Pan, S. J.-A., & *Chou, C. (2020). A preliminary investigation of Taiwanese researchers' (mis)understandings of academic ethics: Taking the reported cases relating to plagiarism, improper citations, and self-plagiarism by the Ministry of Science and Technology as examples. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 57(2), 149-185. [in Chinese with English extended abstract]
  10. Chou, H.-L., & *Chou, C. (2021). A multigroup analysis of factors underlying teachers' technostress and their continuance intention toward online teaching. Computers & Education, 175, 104335.
  11. Wei, H.-C., & *Chou, C. (2021). Ready to do OpenCourseWare? A comparative study of Taiwan college faculty. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 22(2), 118-141.
  12. Pan, S. J.-A., & *Chou, C. (2020). Taiwanese researchers’ perceptions of questionable authorship practices: An exploratory study. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26(3), 1499–1530.
  13. Wei, H.-C., & *Chou, C. (2020). Online learning performance and satisfaction: do perceptions and readiness matter? Distance Education, 41(1), 48-69.
  14. Chou, H.-L., & *Chou, C. (2019). A quantitative analysis of factors related to Taiwan teenagers' smartphone addiction tendency using a random sample of parent-child dyads. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 335-344.
  15. Chou, H.-L., Liu, Y.-L., & *Chou, C. (2019). Privacy behavior profiles of underage Facebook users. Computers & Education, 128, 473-485.
  16. Sun, J. C.-Y., Lin, C.-T., & *Chou, C. (2018). Applying learning analytics to explore the effects of motivation on online students' reading behavioral patterns. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(2), 209-227.
  17. Chang, C.-M., Hung, M.-L., Lu, J.-L., & *Chou, C. (2018). The virtues of Taiwanese internet-using adolescents: The development and validation of the cyber virtues scale. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(1), 104-111.
  18. Atif, Y., & *Chou, C. (2018). Digital citizenship: Innovations in education, practice, and pedagogy [Editorial Material]. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(1), 152–154.
